Nappy Rash Guide

Nappy Rash Guide


Nappy rash is an unforgettable ailment that can cause discomfort and pain for your baby.



Many people identify nappy rash as the skin in your child’s nappy region looking red and sore but it can sometimes go up to the tummy area and all over the bottom.

I have also seen nappy rash in my clinic that appears as blisters and redness that look like burns and/or little pimples in the genital area.

Nappy rash can be caused from having too much moisture and urine touching the skin or can be a reaction to the material used in your child’s nappy, whether they be disposable nappies or cloth.




For over 10 years I have been treating nappy rash in my clinic and there are very similar patterns to the development, progression and treatment of nappy rash.

Causes of Nappy Rash

  • Acidity
  • Teething
  • Unwell Child
  • Vaccination



Nappy rash can also be caused from your child having a reaction to the foods and drinks that they are processing and yes, even the foods and drinks that mum is consuming through the breast milk.

A diet that contains processed foods, flavourings, preservatives, additives and colourings is considered to be highly acidic. This acidic food causes an acidic environment in the babies’ digestive system which results in the child excreting acidic urine.

The child may also produce stools that burn the skin and create local skin irritations as well as internal inflammations. I see babies in my clinic that have erratic stools that can be loose, frothy and incomplete as well as others that are suffering from constipation; and all of these problems can lead to nappy rash.



Adopting an alkaline diet rich in foods that heal the gut and reduce inflammation is the first step to addressing ongoing and recurrent nappy rash. Try to include alkaline foods as listed below into your child’s diet. The more of these foods that are incorporated, the healthier body and digestive system your child will have.

Alkaline foods – green leafy vegetables, broccoli, green beans, snow peas, cabbage, sweet potato, cauliflower, carrot, beetroot, cucumber, lettuce, pumpkin, avocado, tomato, lemon, coconut, almonds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, brown rice, millet, kamut, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, spelt, lentils, beans, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, sprouts – broccoli, alfalfa, mung bean etc, sprouted bread, gluten and yeast free breads.

Foods to avoid if your child suffers from nappy rash include – milk, cheese, sweeteners, white bread, refined sugars, chocolate, chips, biscuits, lollies, soft drink, flavoured cordials, tomato sauce, vinegar and processed meats. If you are breastfeeding please eliminate coffee, energy drinks, soft drinks and excessive red meat as this can lead to a very acidic body for mum which can be transferred to baby.



When your child is teething their urine often becomes more acidic than normal which can lead to nappy rash that is red raw and it can even have blisters. This happens as your baby’s body is trying to adjust to the systemic effects of teething which can often include explosive stools, throbbing gums, nasal discharge and even fever. Along with the nappy rash often comes the flushed cheeks, irritability and clingy behaviour.

During teething try to soothe their discomfort with a nourishing barrier cream on their bottom which can protect the skin from more irritation at the next urination and stool. In my clinic I use my Baby Rash Ointment which contains organic comfrey, olive oil and beeswax.



This thick ointment provides a layer of protection to your baby’s delicate skin and heals redness, burning rashes and even blisters. Apply at every nappy change from the top of your baby’s genitalia to the end of the bottom for best results.

This ointment is completely safe for children of all ages and can even be used on cloth nappies safely.

Also, use my Baby Teething Drops which is my tried and tested homeopathic formula that reduces the pain and discomfort of teething including explosive stools, acidic urine, irritability, poor sleep and clinginess.

These drops are magic and bring natural relief without the need for pharmaceutical medicines to manage the pain and poor sleep often associated with teething.



Vaccination detoxification


Some children can experience episodes of detox after receiving their immunisations. As their little bodies are working hard to process and respond to the vaccination often the gut and the liver are kicked into gear and can flush out toxins. This can result in a few days of changeable stools which can be either explosive, loose or very smelly and offensive as well as pungent and burning urine.

This change in activity can often result in nappy rash. Lathering a barrier cream to protect the skin for those days is the best protocol combined with lots of water and rest until the flush is complete

. Food allergies/intolerances Some children who have food intolerances (even unidentified) can have episodes of nappy rash as a result to foods in their diet. Allergy or intolerance to dairy is the most common reason I see in my clinic that results in nappy rash, but I have also seen wheat, gluten and sugar being a cause of the condition among other systemic symptoms such as loose offensive stool, eczema, irritability and malaise.

If you suspect that your child could have an allergy or intolerance the easiest way to begin to investigate is to eliminate that food completely for 1 week and see if the nappy rash changes.

To learn more about my natural health solutions for everyday ailments and to purchase my Baby Rash Ointment, Baby ABC Drops and Baby Teething Drops visit or speak to me directly by calling TOLL FREE 1800 244 449 for FREE health advice.